Hey there, I'm Vyshnavi Namani

Product Manager & Product Designer

a picture of vyshu in studio

My work 📍

Case study coming soon to all works. See more designs on Devpost, Notion, or Medium

For: Zigoland, Project: started a new website from ground up for a new product details

For: Visodream, Project: developed a new forum for the Visodream community details

For: Primoday, Project: complete redesign of their corporate website and platform details

For: Nextlite, Project: created a custom video editing and upload web app details

Who I am 👩🏽‍💻

Born in India, raised in Atlanta

A Georgia Tech student studying Computational Media with a HCI and Interaction Design concentrations. I have experiences in project management, product design, programming, data analytics, and startup consulting. I want to help make the world of human-centered design more human by leading the end-to-end design process from strategy to implementation. Combining my experiences in PM with my background in Design + Dev, I have developed a strong sense of systems design thinking, storytelling and communication skills, and a passion for design strategy.

In my free time, I like portrait photography, traveling, food, creating mood-themed notion pages, reading books in the sun, doing yoga to cure my back-pain, biking, and riding into the sunset on my moped. I developed a love for storytelling and sharing my experiences with blogging and photography.

Vyshu on birthday

What I do 💪🏾

Designer 🎨

My specialites lies in combining my technical knowledge and artistic creativity to build a great product. I find great satisfaction in creating something and seeing it to the end, whether it’s a (not so) revolutionary app idea I thought of in the shower, or a simple doodle on a napkin.

Entreprenuership 💡

Along the way, I developed a love of storytelling and sharing my experiences. I started blogging, but design is where I think I can truly tell a great story. I am proud to say that I in my first year of PM created over 7 products, with 3 received awards, and gained 1300+ intended users while collaborating with talented 30+ technologies.

Front-End Developer 🖥

Experienced in web development with HTML/CSS/JS, used frameworks such as Tailwind.CSS, React, Express, and Vue. Always interested in challenges, check out CSS-challenges.com if you learn new tricks! Proud to create over 4 website and helped with product management and gotten awards in 2.

My Resume 📰